Product traceability for

Retail Food Waste Reduction

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waste reduction

Food waste costs retailers $121 billion annually.

TrackVision AI empowers you to track inventory and expiration dates at the batch/lot level using GS1 standards. Reduce food waste with shelf-level visibility of expiring stock, and analytics that show whether “first expiring, first out” stocking processes are being followed.

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How it works


1D barcodes on products and cases are augmented with or replaced with 2D Digital Link barcodes


TrackVision ingests batch-level GS1 EPCIS or EDI messages from business partners

hand qr

Store associates scan cases or items when stocking to shelf

cash mashine

TrackVision ingests point of sale events at batch/item level 

box tick

Dashboards and alerts reveal whether “first expiring, first out” processes are working


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Understand whether “first expiring, first out” stocking processes are working, and take corrective action with staff to reduce waste

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Get electronic visibility of inventory expiration dates on shelf, reducing labor costs of expiration check rounds

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Block sale or movement of expired goods, reducing food safety risks

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Incentivize shoppers to purchase products closer to their expiration date with automatic discount policies at POS

Reduce food waste and reduce costs with lot-level inventory visibility based on GS1 standards from TrackVision AI.

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Contact us to learn more