Product digitization and traceability for

Digital Product Passport (DPP) Compliance

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EU Digital Product Passport legislation is coming soon.

TrackVision AI provides key capabilities you need to comply with Digital Product Passport (DPP) legislation. Assign web-enabled unique IDs to individual items with GS1 Digital Link, capture related supply chain data for each item using GS1 EPCIS, and share this information with regulators and consumers. 

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How it works


Each item is assigned a unique ID and an associated web address and QR code based on the GS1 Digital Link standard


Input materials and components, product data, packing data and distribution journey are captured in TrackVision using GS1 EPCIS 2.0 standards.

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Product and material attributes are captured in TrackVision using GS1 master data standards

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Supply chain, provenance and product data can be surfaced to consumers through the product QR code


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Deploy foundational product identification and traceability capabilities ready for upcoming EU Digital Product Passport legislation

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Use GS1 standards to guarantee interoperability with data from other business partners; based on a decentralized architecture that lowers cost and gives you full control over your own data

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Reuse and extend DPP capability to differentiate your brand with consumers

Comply with EU Digital Product Passport (DPP) legislation easily and cost effectively with TrackVision AI

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Contact us to learn more