Supply chain traceability for

Supplier Certification Monitoring

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Your product ESG claims depend on accurate information about your supply network.

TrackVision AI empowers you to monitor the environmental, social and governance (ESG) certifications and credentials of every supplier involved in the manufacturing of your product - tier 1, 2, 3 and beyond - giving your business the confidence to make strong product claims that can be shared with consumers, stakeholders and regulators.

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How it works


Each supplier publishes certification data for their products and locations in a standards compliant format via GS1 Digital Link web addresses


When buyers receive batches of goods, TrackVision automatically interrogates the GS1 Digital Links of those goods to retrieve the manufacturing location, associated certifications, and the input ingredients & materials. The process is repeated for ingredients that went into those inputs, and so on

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TrackVision monitors supplier certifications against your business policies, alerting you to any discrepancies


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Monitor the current certifications of every manufacturer in your product supply chain, ensuring compliance with your policies

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Make confident data-backed claims to consumers, stakeholders and regulators

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Save costs during audit processes with rich electronic data sets that can be provided to auditors at the click of a button

Confidently and cost effectively make accurate environmental, social and governance claims about your products and supply chain backed by certification monitoring from TrackVision AI

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Contact us to learn more