Product traceability for

Rapid and targeted product recalls

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recall exec-2

During a recall, every moment counts.

TrackVision AI empowers you to respond to product safety and quality incidents in minutes with a highly targeted withdrawal, minimizing cost, waste and reputational damage.

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How it works

poor quality

Track all input ingredient and materials that go into your finished products

track buyer

Track all downstream buyers and customers of your products


Quickly determine the source of a defective ingredient

eye glass

Identify and notify all downstream customers who have received defective products


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Limit the impact of recall incidents through rapid responses, reducing reputational and legal risk and protecting consumer safety

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Find information during recall execution quickly, saving operational costs

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Limit the scope of recalls to only the affected product, reducing reimbursement costs

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Confidently explain the root cause of the recall, preserving customer relationships

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Address recurring quality problems with suppliers, improving the quality of your products over time, saving future costs and reputation

Handle product recalls quickly and confidently with TrackVision AI

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Contact us to learn more