Supply chain traceability for

Product Diversion Detection

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product diversion

Fight back against fraudulent activity in your distribution channels

Product manufacturers typically contract with wholesalers and distributors to get their products into the market.  Sales contracts stipulate the geographical region where sales are authorized; however, bad actors will divert products to markets that command higher retail prices, thereby undermining the sales of legitimate sellers.  This fraudulent activity eats into a brands’ revenue and profit. TrackVision empowers brands to detect diversion activity so that distributor non-compliance can be addressed.

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How it works


TrackVision AI stores distributor agreement terms, including authorized territory


When products are interacted with, either by consumers or brand inspection agents, TrackVision uses the product’s digital identity to identify the distribution partner


TrackVision compares the product’s current location to its authorized territory and flags mismatches


Incident reports are rolled up to dashboards for business users


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Utilize the power of crowdsourcing to help identify fraudulent activity in your distribution network

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Arm your brand enforcement team with tools that enable diversion detection

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Spot concentrations of illicit activity, empowering you to take action against bad actors

Protect your hard earned profits with diversion detection from TrackVision AI.

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Contact us to learn more