Supply chain traceability for

Carbon Footprint Reduction

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carbon footprint

Reducing carbon footprint is an imperative for every business.

TrackVision AI can calculate the scope 3 carbon emissions of individual product items by measuring the weight, distance traveled, and mode of transportation of all of their input materials.  By calculating actual emissions through the full supply chain rather than relying on broad generalizations, product manufacturers can zero in on segments in the supply chain that contribute most highly to overall footprints, and proactively find more sustainable alternatives.

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How it works


Each producer and manufacturer in the supply chain shares a subset of their production data via the GS1 Digital Link and EPCIS 2.0 standards

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TrackVision AI queries the Digital Links of all input materials and fetches their production information, which is then stored in our EPCIS repository


For every input material, TrackVision AI calculates its contribution to scope 3 carbon emissions as a function of that item’s weight, distance travelled, and mode of transport

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A total scope 3 emissions score is calculated for each product as the sum of the emissions from each input material


Dashboards display the emission score for each of your finished goods with a rollup score based on your full product portfolio


Our AI flags outliers, exceptions and top contributors which might bring you out of compliance with your own emissions goals


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Continuously calculate, monitor and report scope 3 carbon emissions on a per-product item basis, enabling you to confidently meet your stated carbon objectives

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Use the scope 3 emissions report to develop strategies to reduce emissions, including selection of upstream suppliers

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Share the success of your carbon reduction efforts with shareholders and consumers to build brand equity and demonstrate responsible corporate leadership

Confidently calculate your scope 3 carbon emissions on a per product basis with TrackVision AI to achieve your carbon footprint reduction goals.

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Contact us to learn more