Product traceability software for

The Grocery and Quick Service Restaurant Industry

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The grocery and quick service restaurant (QSR) industry is struggling to maintain profitability while facing increasing consumer scrutiny and regulatory pressure to provide safe, healthy, sustainable and ethical products.

TrackVision provides an interoperable, standards-compliant traceability solution that helps food retailers and QSRs meet food safety regulation; respond quickly and cost effectively to food safety incidents; reduce waste; and make confident ESG and provenance claims to consumers, stakeholders and regulators.

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Our solutions for the grocery and QSR industry

FSMA Section 204 Compliance

Everything your business needs to easily and cost-effectively comply with FSMA 204, with guaranteed interoperability through the use of GS1 standards.

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Recall Monitoring

Instantly discover safety and quality incidents in your extended supply chain with recall monitoring at scale via GS1 data exchange standards.

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Waste Reduction

Track inventory and expiration dates at the batch/lot level using GS1 standards. Reduce food waste with shelf-level visibility of expiring stock and analytics that show whether “first expiring, first out” stocking processes are being followed.

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Cold Chain Monitoring

Ensure that products are stored and transported in conditions that conform to the relevant specifications for that product type, guaranteeing that perishable products are fresh and safe to consume.

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Certification Monitoring

Monitor the environmental, social and governance (ESG) certifications and credentials of every supplier involved in the entire value chain of a product for data-backed claims that can be shared with consumers, stakeholders and regulators.

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Provenance Assurance

Identify the exact source of all your products and their ingredients and monitor for compliance against your provenance policies, and optionally share this information with consumers

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Carbon Footprint Reduction

Calculate the scope 3 carbon emissions of individual product items, zero in on segments in the supply chain that contribute most highly to overall footprints, and proactively find more sustainable alternatives.

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Meet regulation, respond swiftly to quality incidents, reduce waste and make confident ESG and provenance claims to consumers, stakeholders and regulators with TrackVision AI’s traceability software for the grocery and quick service restaurant industry.

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