Product traceability for

Identifying, monitoring and sharing food provenance

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Your reputation relies on accurate product provenance data.

TrackVision AI empowers you to identify the exact source of all your products and their ingredients along with the associated production practices involved. Continuously monitor for compliance against your provenance policies, and optionally share this information with consumers.

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How it works


Track the exact source location and providers of all products and ingredients supplied to you via GS1 standards


Collect information about supplier production practices, such as soil management, crop diversity, and water conservation


Monitor provenance against your business policies and claims. Get alerted to any discrepancy.


Organize this information so that it can be provided to downstream buyers, including wholesalers, grocery stores, restaurants, and directly to consumers


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Make confident data-backed claims to consumers, stakeholders and regulators, increasing trust and reducing risk

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Differentiate from competitors who do not or cannot share food provenance information

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Build brand equity with consumers, partners and trade organizations through complete food transparency

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Support your sustainability goals through the promotion of producers that invest in agricultural best practices

Elevate your brand with complete food transparency from TrackVision AI

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Contact us to learn more